Monday, October 1, 2012

Tame the information explosion

By: Sarah Warsi   Categories:Storage and Data Management, Thought Leadership

The explosive growth in the amount of data created in the world continues to accelerate and surprise us in terms of sheer volume. Data explosion is one of the biggest challenges facing companies of all sizes and is being tagged as one of the biggest worries across the world in 2013, while increasing cost of storage will be another concern. Find out more about how you can build a smarter storage infrastructure that scales to meet your evolving business requirements.

Download this white paper Reduce your data storage footprint and tame the information explosion

Sarah Warsi
Sarah Warsi

Sarah Warsi

As marketing manager, Sarah plays a key role in managing Sentia's marketing efforts including developing the overall marketing strategy and direction, digital and social media management, to campaign development and execution.

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Full biography

As marketing manager, Sarah plays a key role in managing Sentia's marketing efforts including developing the overall marketing strategy and direction, digital and social media management, to campaign development and execution. She holds a degree in Journalism from Ryerson University.


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