Posted: Monday, August 28, 2017

Social Selling Just Got Even Better Through PointDrive

Social Selling Just Got Even Better Through PointDrive

LinkedIn's newest feature brings a smarter way to exchange content with prospects on social

Last year LinkedIn acquired PointDrive - a firm dedicated to developing innovative solutions to further enhance the online customer buying experience. As of recently, PointDrive is now available on LinkedIn.

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Posted: Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Bridging the Gap between Social and the IT Buyer

Bridging the Gap between Social and the IT Buyer

Marketing to IT Prospects Requires a New Way of Thinking

As digital continues to dominate the way we market to our customers, it is more important than ever before to have not only a strong presence online, but a trusted and credible one. Attracting new clients requires a different way of thinking.

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Posted: Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How to get your team on the social media bandwagon

How to get your team on the social media bandwagon

Today's blog post deviates from our regular content to share some hints and tips regarding social media interaction in the workplace. In an era where digital marketing is steadily becoming the new normal, employee participation in social sharing is more crucial than ever to help maximize company brand awareness, engagement and conversion rates. But what happens when schedules are too hectic, other priorities are in the way, and while they see and appreciate the value, they just 'don't have the time'. 

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