Posted: Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Combating Cyber Attacks in Healthcare

Combating Cyber Attacks in Healthcare

By : Sentia

Recent incidents show that security breaches and cyber attacks have steadily increased across Canada and globally, with healthcare service providers seen as a prime target. Needless to say, healthcare organizations are greater targets for data theft than organizations in other sectors for various reasons. For example, there was a 37 percent increase in attack rate per healthcare organization throughout 2020 and the beginning of 2021. In effect, organizations need to implement proper security controls to prevent harmful and costly attacks

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Posted: Monday, May 11, 2020

COVID-19 and Ransomware: Are your backups ready in case of an attack?

COVID-19 and Ransomware: Are your backups ready in case of an attack?

Cyber attacks are on the rise amid COVID-19. Be proactive and prepared.

With the drastic changes that our society has felt on a global scale since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's no secret that a 'new normal' is materializing in real time. Organizations have had to rapidly adapt to remote working models on a moment's notice. This change has also inadvertently created a haven for hackers to take full advantage of potentially vulnerabe systems and unsuspecting workers with a significant rise in phishing and ransomware attacks with rhetoric related to COVID-19 as the primary hook to lure people in. We published a post a few years on what to look out for in the event of a ransomware attack and the precautions are no different today.  

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Posted: Thursday, June 1, 2017

Looking For a Real Solution to Data Protection?

Looking For a Real Solution to Data Protection?

By : Anonym

Information security is continuing to be one of the top priorities on the minds of business executives and leaders around the world.  The threat of cyber attacks, hackers and ransomware are all contributing to an increase in the amount of time and money companies are investing to protect their most valuable assets, their data and documents.

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