Posted: Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Fileless Malware - What is it and Why Traditional Security Practices Can't Protect Against It

Fileless Malware - What is it and Why Traditional Security Practices Can't Protect Against It

By : Sentia

Fileless malware is a malicious activity that infects a system using built-in legitimate and native programs. In contrast to other malware programs like ransomware, attackers don’t need to install a malicious program in the system to execute an attack, which makes it hard to detect and prevent. A traditional anti-malware solution detects malware by matching files against a database of known malicious programs. However, fileless malware payloads reside in the memory only and do not write any files to the hard drive making it difficult for signature-based security solutions to detect it. Thus, cybersecurity experts agree that attackers are ten times more likely to succeed when executing fileless malware attacks than file-based attacks.

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Posted: Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Pen-testing & Vulnerability Scanning: What’s the difference?

Pen-testing & Vulnerability Scanning: What’s the difference?

By : Sentia

Penetration testing and vulnerability scanning are vital for enhancing an organization’s cybersecurity postures. However, most businesses are confused about differentiating the two services. For example, a vulnerability scanning process looks for existing security weaknesses and vulnerabilities, such as unpatched systems, lacking authentication schemes, misconfigurations, and weak password security, and reports them as potential exposures. On the other hand, a penetration test looks to exploit identified security weaknesses in the organization’s systems and IT network architectures to determine the extent to which an attacker would compromise your assets. Also, a vulnerability scan often utilizes automated software programs and tools, whereas a penetration test is a manual process carried out by a security expert.

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Posted: Thursday, December 9, 2021

Cyber Security Issues Facing Canadian Law Firms

Cyber Security Issues Facing Canadian Law Firms

Why Cyber Security is More Important Than Ever For the Legal Industry

By : Sentia

Cyber security breaches targeting Canadian organizations almost doubled in the recent past. Various sectors, including the Canadian legal industry, are thus required to enhance their data protection, and cyber security controls to protect their firms from attacks. Robust cyber security is vital in securing employee and customer data from known and unknown threats. In this regard, 90% of Canadian legal professionals believe their firms need to implement strong data protection and cyber security measures to secure sensitive information.

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Posted: Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Top 7 Ways to Prevent Ransomware Attacks

Top 7 Ways to Prevent Ransomware Attacks

Don't wait until it's too late

By : Sentia

Suppose ransomware or an encryption trojan gets onto your device. In that case, it locks your operating system or encrypts your data, getting hold of a digital hostage such as files and demanding a ransom to restore control to you. Currently, ransomware infections occur in various ways, including spam emails, software downloads, and insecure and fraudulent websites. The attacks leave victims in situations where they must pay horrendous sums of money for the possible release of their files and systems.

In case you are wondering if you are a potential target of a ransomware attack, there are a number of  ways you can get infected, including the use of devices with outdated software, running unpatched operating systems and browsers, lacking proper backup plans, and not paying sufficient attention to cybersecurity measures. The annual Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA) Cybersecurity Survey suggests nearly 70 percent of Canadian organizations facing a ransomware attack last year paid the demands to avoid downtime, reputational damage, and other costs. The survey further reveals that one-quarter or more of organizations that suffered a ransomware attack were damaged in terms of recovery costs, loss of revenue and customers, or reputational damage.

Fortunately, you can reduce the likelihood of finding yourself in front of an infected computer or encrypted file by being prepared. In fact, it is possible to significantly reduce the chances of infection by implementing the following controls and best practices. So, as we wrap up Cybersecurity Awareness Month, here are our top 7 ways to prevent ransomware attacks.

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Posted: Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Emergence of XDR in the Evolution of Cyber Security

The Emergence of XDR in the Evolution of Cyber Security

A Closer Look at Where it all Began

By : Sentia

“If you put a key under the mat for the cops, a burglar can find it, too. Criminals are using every technology tool at their disposal to hack into people’s accounts. If they know there’s a key hidden somewhere, they won’t stop until they find it.” Tim Cook

In the game of cat and mouse between data security and bad actors, extended detection and response (XDR) is the latest weapon that organizations can utilize to strengthen their security posture.

XDR is a new approach to threat detection and response, a key element in defending an organization’s infrastructure and data from damage or unauthorized access and misuse. 

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