Posted: Monday, November 12, 2018

Three Ways to Get Your Business AI-Ready

Three Ways to Get Your Business AI-Ready

What all the hype is about and why you should care

Artificial intelligence is all around us.

Not so long ago, artificial intelligence (AI) existed only in the world of science fiction - but today, AI pervades our daily lives – whether we’re aware of it or not.  So much of what we do and the tools we use or dependent on data-driven analytics.

Take these examples:

Have you used a ride-sharing service (like Uber or Lyft) lately? These companies track millions of metrics each day, then employ machine learning (DL) and deep learning (DL) – both subsets of AI – to match drivers with riders, optimize routes, develop safety processes, and much more. 

Laundry time? Some washing machine manufacturers are introducing next-generation models controlled by apps – and those apps use AI to determine the best cycle for the type of clothes you’re washing, and also help with maintenance and troubleshooting to ensure your machine is operating to optimal results. 

In the healthcare space, one organization has trained and taught algorithms to augment the work of radiologists, allowing them to make diagnoses more accurately and efficiently.

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